Oktoberfest 5K Race in Pittsboro
Pittsboro, NC – Carolina Brewery is teaming up with the Abundance Foundation to present the Oktoberfest 5K Race and Family Walk in Pittsboro on September 29, 2012.
Pittsboro Oktoberfest 5K
Get ready for the Pittsboro Ooktoberfest 5K. It takes place on Saturday, September 29, 2012, just proving we’re a town that lives in the future.
$25 race registration includes t-shirt, breakfast after race at Carolina Brewery and free entry to the Oktoberfest event later that night.
There’s even a Happy Hour Registration and Packet Pick Up on Sept. 28 at the Carolina Brewery in Pittsboro from 5 to 7pm.
See a map of the route.
Supporting the Abundance Foundation
A portion of the proceeds go to support the Abundance Foundation, headquartered in Pittsboro, NC.
The mission of the Abundance Foundation is to “educate across the Piedmont about sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and local economy through hands-on workshops, community-building events and by actively engaging youth.”
Volunteers Needs
The event needs a total of 20 volunteers. If you are available for things like registration, giving out water, being a route Marshall, etc., please email wow@theabundancefoundation.org.
Event Details
Pittsboro Oktoberfest 5k
Saturday, September 29, 2012
9:00 AM
Beer photo by Ian Morgan. Cow photo by Ian Britton.
Tags: Events, Fall Activities, Outdoors, Pittsboro, Recreation, Route 64 Journal