Celebrate Your Family’s Story
The month of November is National Family Stories Month, making the next four weeks a great opportunity to connect back to you and your family’s roots. Although your family’s cultural background may extend across the globe, Chatham County will be offering activities throughout the month to celebrate these backgrounds and heritages right here at home.
No matter your cultural background, challenge yourself to take a step outside of your comfort zone by embracing new experiences and cultures!
Become Your Own Genealogist:

Like most people, you may be unsure of your ancestral background and have many questions about your own history. Every Thursday in November, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m., the Chatham Community Library invites library patrons to explore their roots with help from volunteers in the Local History & Genealogy area of the Chatham County Library.
Volunteers encourage you to bring as much written documentation as possible about your topic of interest to help start the search through newspaper articles, census records and published family histories.
Appointments are strongly encourages and can be made by calling (919) 545-8086. The cost is free!
Join a Spanish Book Club:

Need an extra push to help motivate you to learn a new language? Chatham County’s Spanish Book Club, or Club de la Lectura, is led by Sandy Reul and meets twice a month in Chatham Community Library’s double study room. The majority of the club’s members are native English speakers with a passion for learning and speaking Spanish. If you are not ready to speak, make an appearance just to listen!
This month, the club will meet only be meeting on Saturday, November 5 from 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. Contact Sandy Reul at @sandy.reul@att.net, if you are interested in participating or feel free to come and sit in. The cost is free!
Learn about Native American Culture:

November is also recognized as National Native American Heritage Month and celebrates hundreds of tribes who speak over 250 languages. November is the month in which ancestors celebrate their Native American Heritage, as it is also the month in which many Native Americans would hold powwows, ceremonies and feasts.
Native American storyteller and historian, Nora Dial-Stanley, will be visiting the Chatham Community Library on Saturday, November 12 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. to share her experiences as a member of the Lumbee Tribe. Several dancers, traditional drummers, artisans, a flutist and art exhibits will also be featured at the event at no cost to visitors!
Tags: Chatham County, Culture, Family, Library, Pittsboro, Siler City