Steeping Relaxation
From mead to tea, August brings a variety of events to close out another successful summer in North Carolina. At the top of your list this summer should be a visit to the Honeysuckle Tea House, a Chapel Hill favorite. Enjoy locally grown tea in a unique environment, offering garden tours, educational workshops and, this August, Kids Yoga!
Located at 8871 Pickards Meadow Road in Chapel Hill, Honeysuckle Tea House is not too far from your front door.
Honeysuckle Tea House:

Did you know that it takes around 2,000 tiny leaves to make one pound of finished tea? Explore all that this super drink has to offer you in one sitting! Closed during winter months, Honeysuckle Tea House thrives during the summer, inviting visitors from all over the state. Take a sip of the Carrboro Fair Tea with course sea salts, parley, rosemary, sage and thyme leaves or spend a relaxing afternoon with the Sweet Dreams Tea.
From many flavors to a plethora of ingredients, you will be sure to leave with the tea that brews best with you. By the cup or by the pot, whether its green, white or black tea, there is no better way to begin or end you day.
Honeysuckle Tea House is open from Thursday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Explore the Honeysuckle Tea House Menu
Kids Yoga:

Learn some relaxation techniques before starting the chaos of the new school year! Kids Yoga at the Honeysuckle Tea House takes place every Thursday in August from 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Kids will learn to approach yoga and its techniques in a new, unique way! From different yoga poses, to breathing techniques and games, each class will present new material for each individual child.
Classes will feature activities based on the theme from that day, so everyday is guaranteed something new. Yoga instructors invite parents to join their children for sessions, no matter their skill level.
Kids Yoga will be hosted in the Honeysuckle Tea House Yurt and will take place in all weather conditions. Make sure to join the team at Honeysuckle Tea House afterwards for story time or a cup of tea.

Drop-in classes are offered at $15 per child, while a five week session costs $65 per child.
For more information, visit the site.
Tags: Chapel Hill, Chatham County, Honeysuckle Tea House, Kids, Sports, Summer, Tea, Yoga