Exploring Pittsboro’s Center for the Arts
Right in your very own backyard, the Pittsboro Center for the Arts is bringing the essence of celebrating art to Chatham County. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the area’s leading performance center, with year-round access to community theatre, youth theatre, coffee and local events.
Coffee & Theatre:

The Sweet Bee Theater can be found within the Pittsboro Center for the Arts, a dedicated space for artists in the heart of Pittsboro. It is well-known as the one and only public theater in Chatham County. Want to support the arts in Pittsboro? Well now you can, one caffeinated beverage at a time.
The Sweet Bee Caffé features European-style coffees and chocolates. The best part? Every purchase supports the Pittsboro Youth Theater, the Center for the Arts, Chatham Community Players and the Sweet Bee Theater. The coffee shop is open in the Great Room Gallery in the Center for Arts weekdays except Thursdays.
Coffee is available by the cup or purchase your own locally roasted beans by the pound. Coffee beans are roasted in micro batches by Aromatic Roasters in Pittsboro, the proud winners of the Blue Ribbon for best roasted beans at the 2018 State Fair. Also a Blue Ribbon winner, take a bite of their Cranberry Orange Walnut Dark Chocolate.
About the Players:

For those who may be strangers of the Chatham Community Players, you are just in time to learn a bit about them before the curtains rise. Dubbed a circulating group of local, volunteer adult actors and actresses, these individuals rehearse and perform plays exclusively in the Sweet Bee Theater.
Premiering this month, the Chatham Community Players will take on the production of “Arsenic and Lace.” Past productions include “Steel Magnolias” and “Almost, Maine.” Their upcoming Halloween comedy play will grace audiences Saturdays at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Tickets are on sale now for all performances of “Arsenic and Lace” – Visit the online store.
Pittsboro Youth Theater:

The Center for the Arts proudly call itself home to the Pittsboro Youth Theater as well. In 2018 alone, 58 local cast members performed for over 1,000 audience members in 17 performances. The support continues this year as the Pittsboro Youth Theater gears up for their three upcoming fall productions.
In November, cast members ages 7-12 will bring the magical story of “Snow White” to the stage. In December, ages 10 through high schoolers will close out the theatrical year with their renditions of “Holes” and “Mary Poppins.”
The Pittsboro Youth Theater also encourages you to get involved! A community organization, they host auditions throughout the year for performers eager to learn more about the craft of musical theatre. The organization also employs a cast of professional actors to travel to area schools in performing the production of “When She Had Wings.”
With your help, PYT can continue working with youth in the community in teaching valuable life lessons through art. Simply volunteer your time to build sets, transport props, assist at performances, or apply your career knowledge! Fill out a form today to volunteer.
Stay tuned for more information on how to purchase tickets for the fall performances: Visit the site.
Social Justice Theater:

The Center for Arts boasts the fact that they offer something for everyone, and they do! The Social Justice Theater of the Carolinas is an ensemble group of actors ages 13-25. Their group evokes change and thought by dedicating their talents to the platform of different social justice topics.
Join their email list or learn more about how they are bringing the conversation to Pittsboro!
Art and Beyond:
For all palettes and tastes, the Pittsboro Center for the Arts offers a variety of events and artistic explorations. The Gallery at CFTA allows visitors to view or purchase fine art from the region.
The space is also available for guests to rent for banquets, meetings, parties, concerts and whatever else comes to mind! Any way you use it, the Pittsboro Center for the Arts embodies the sense of community, bonded in the foundation of the arts.